High School Volunteering

High School Volunteer in India

If you're in the 16 to 19 age group and looking for volunteer abroad, why not choose India as volunteering work experience?

Spacial Volunteer Program for High School Students

Aimed to give you valuable volunteer work experience or develop a particular skill in two to four weeks, these placements are structured to allow high school students to make the most of a short time overseas while contributing to community service hours credit, CAS requirements, or college applications.

Program Highlights

  • Volunteering with children ages 1-6
  • Year-round, 02 – 24 weeks
  • Assist in daily routine activities
  • Accommodation & meals provided
  • Daily transport to project

How to Apply for High School Volunteer Program

To find out what we can set up for you on volnteer abroad programs for High School, give us a call or email to discuss your travel requirements.

A beyond epic experience! I would highly recommend this to anyone! I made the decision to come alone to India after finishing a placement year at high school and it was one of the best decisions of my life! I was part of the Street Kids program for 4 weeks. The program is a fantastic experience! I had a small group of children and in 4 weeks saw a big chance in the children. All in all this is a life changing experience! You get to experience a completely different country and culture. You get the chance to appreciate how lucky you are to have basic things! You will no doubt meet some amazing people! It's value for money and I would encourage anybody to make a life changing decision!

- Ben Wildman, UK


Volunteering India