Terms & Conditions Statement

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Services Agreement

This is a legally binding contract which sets forth all the terms and conditions of your agreement with Puran Tours which is a registered business as Tour Operator in India. Please verify and affirm that you accept and agree to be bound by all its terms and information:

The term 'Agreement' means between you and Puran Tours.

The 'Applicant' is the person 'You' and 'Your' as a 'Tourist'.

Sankalp Volunteer Society (Sankalp Volunteer) is a registered non-profit and its projects/programs are promoted and funded by Puran Tours.

Please note that you do not pay to Sankalp Volunteer Society for anything and Sankalp Volunteer Society will not part of any kind for financial dispute with Puran Tours. In general terms, you may be able to work as volunteer with Sankalp Volunteer Society 100% free if your main purpose in visiting India is tourism, and any voluntary work remains incidental to this.

VolunteersIndia.org is managed / operated / owned by Puran Tours.

Please note that your booking is accepted on the understanding that you come on the program at your own risk. It is not possible for us to be responsible for the actions or omissions of those involved in your program over which we have no direct control, transport undertakings and others. Equally we are not responsible for loss or expense due to war, riots, strikes, terrorist activities, natural disasters, or bankruptcies (or similar) of unconnected third parties. Puran Tours is not liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or other irregularity which may be caused by defect of any vehicle or other equipment, other than its own, or the negligence or default of any company or person engaged in carrying out or performing any of the services involved, other than our own staff.

Please note that all services and accommodation are subject to the laws of the country in which they are provided. Puran Tours reserves the right to make changes in the agreed itinerary whenever, in their sole judgement, conditions warrant, or if they deem it necessary for the comfort, convenience, or safety of the volunteer/tourist. Puran Tours also reserves the right to withdraw without penalty any program announced.

Please note that Puran Tours reserves the right to decline to accept any person as a volunteer/tourist, or to require any participant to withdraw at any time, when such action is determined by the appropriate Puran Tours staff representative to be in the best interests of the health, safety, and general welfare of the program or of the individual participant.

Dates, schedules, program details and cost are given in good faith, based on information available and in force at the time they are given and are subject to change and revision in the event of a change of circumstances.

Some courses, treks, weekend tour and travel and other activities are provided by independent third parties. You should note that Puran Tours can arrange bookings for these courses, treks and other activities on your behalf but are not appointed agents or representatives of these third parties and cannot accept liability for them or their activities.

The following terms and conditions and information will form an agreement between you and Puran Tours making an application for a volunteer program means you are agreeing and acknowledging to what is stated below. You would agree to the following terms:


[Non-refund of application fee]
Company incurs lots of expenditure in order to provide placement to the volunteer/tourist, the application fee is non-refundable to the volunteer/tourist under any natural/unnatural circumstances.

[Application Fee Validity]
The application fees USD $250 is valid up to 2 years from the date of application submission. It means; if you are unable to join the program after deposit then your deposit $250 is safe with us and you can re-apply within next 2 years from the date of application submission.

[Cancellation of program by volunteer/tourist before arrival and refund]
If any volunteer/tourist cancels the allotted program after making payment of program fee; the cancellation charges depends on how far in advance of your originally preferred program starting date we have been informed in writing:
Notice of 30 day or more - 50% refund of the program fee
Notice of within 29 to 15 days - 25% refund of the program fee
Notice of within 14 to 7 day - 10% refund of the program fee
Notice of less than 7 days - No refund
The above cancellation charges apply whether an application is made more than 30 days before the proposed departure date or less than 30 days before the proposed departure date. Deposits paid in relation to departures not more than 30 days ahead are non-refundable.

[Cancellation of program by volunteer/tourist after arrival]
Under any natural/unnatural circumstances no portion amount of program fee will be refunded to the volunteer/tourist after arrival at program destination.

[Cancellation by the company before arrival and refund]
In case company has to cancel the program due to certain natural and unnatural circumstances, will refund the 100% application fee and program fee excluding 14% service tax plus bank charges.

[Cancellation by the company after arrival and refund]
In case company cancels the program due to unavoidable and unforeseen circumstances, will refund part of the remaining time period of the project fee calculated on a pro-rata basis excluding the application fee and 30% service tax plus bank charges plus administration charges.

[Payment of refunds]
Company will make payment of the applicable refundable amount to the client within 100 (one hundred) days of confirmation of cancellation.


By agreeing to the terms and conditions you agree that Company can use your photos and written feedback while at the project to post on its web site. Company might use such material for marketing/promotion in form of brochure/emails/ or on its website. Company also use photos and material from our partners and affiliations abroad and in India and is not responsible for any claim arising out of those material/photos/contents. The use of such photos and material can also be done on any other domains owned by Company.


We will be flexible, helpful and friendly - in particular, we will try to help you with your work if you're trying hard, but still getting into difficulties. Nevertheless, formal complaints procedures (by you) and disciplinary procedures (by us) are necessary.

Every reasonable effort will be made to resolve any disciplinary matter before it becomes serious. However, we reserve the right to take appropriate action in the event of behaviour which would reasonably be expected to give offence to host, pupils, project managers or work colleagues. This includes behaviour such as serious rowdiness or drunkenness, disobey of the set rules and regulations of the company/organization, failure to turn up to work, leaving work without any adequate reason, or in the event of an unreasonable inability, from whatever cause, to do the work expected. It would be at the discretion of Puran Tours to suspend you from your work during any disciplinary process. You are under the authority of Puran Tours throughout the period of the project placement.


Company will end this agreement with you and you have to leave the program/accommodation on that very same day without notice, in case of following occurrences:

If we find that you are engaged in any illegal activities or convicted in any criminal activities before or during the program period.

If it is believed that any of your action or behaviour is threatening or unacceptable to the society or anyone involved with the project based on the judgment of the project staff and/or program coordinator/supervisor of company and associate organization.

Any information provided by you to company at the time of enrolment is found to be incorrect.

If it is found that you are using drugs or intoxicating material during course of the program.

If you are found to be engaged in sexual behaviour while your stay in the PG/volunteer house/host family/hotel.

If you indulge in sullying the image and making propaganda against the company and associate organization.

In case the agreement is terminated due to volunteers'/tourist's involvement in any of the above activities, he/they will not be entitled to any refund from Company.


User expressly agrees that use of Company is at user's sole risk. Neither Company, its affiliates nor any of their respective employees, agents, third party content providers or licensors warrant that Company will be uninterrupted or error free; nor do they make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from use of Company, or as to the accuracy, reliability or content of any information, service, or merchandise provided through Company.

Company is providing on an and;as is and; basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, other than those warranties which are implied by and incapable of exclusion, restriction or modification under the laws applicable to this agreement.

In no event will Company, or any person or entity involved in creating, producing or distributing Company or the Company software/content, be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use Company. User hereby acknowledges that the provisions of this section shall apply to all content on Company.

In addition to the terms set forth above, neither Company, nor its affiliates, information providers or content partners shall be liable regardless of the cause or duration, for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or other defects in, or unseemliness or unauthenticated of, the information contained within Company or for any delay or interruption in the transmission thereof to the user, or for any claims or losses arising therefore or occasioned thereby. None of the foregoing parties shall be liable for any third-party claims or losses of any nature, including, but not limited to, lost profits, punitive or consequential damages. Neither Puran Tours nor its affiliates, information or content providers warrant or guarantee the timeliness, sequence, accuracy or completeness of this information. Additionally, there are no warranties as to the results obtained from the use of the information.


Puran Tours of 16, Sikar Rd, Vijay Bari, Dahar Ka Balaji, Jaipur, India and you, the applicant, are the sole parties to the contract for the provision of your volunteer placement. The proper law of the contract between us is the law of India. The courts of the Jaipur, INDIA shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with the contract.



Volunteering India