Discounts and Offers

How to apply? How to pay? Discount and Offers
discout and offer

We offer you the chance to participate in volunteer programs at a special discounted rate.

Special Offers and Discounts on Volunteer Programs

The reason is that many of our programs require a certain amount of funding and need volunteer assistance more at a particular time of the year. Our special offer discounts also give you the chance to take part in an amazing volutneer programs and travel experience at a most affordable program fees!

Returning Volunteer Discount

After you have volunteered the first time, you'll receive 20% discount on total program cost (Application + Program Fee = Total Program Cost).

Group Discount

Volunteer groups of 5 or more may qualify for a group discount! This offer is available for all volunteer programs in Jaipur for any duration, any date. Please contact us for more details.

Private Room Occupancy

On request, we offer single room occupancy at an additional fee of $100 per week! This offer is available for all volunteer programs in Jaipur for any duration, any date. Please contact us to check private room availability before apply.

Family Volunteer Discount

Volunteer with your family! Get 50% off on program fee for your children (age 2-10)! Cannot be combined with any other discount. Please contact us for more details.


Volunteering India